Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thousand miles.......

It's always times like these
When I think of you,
And wonder if you ever think of me.

'Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong.
Livin' in your precious memory.

'Cause I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

-Vanessa Carlton-

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Talking to the MooN...

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Where Can i Find "Satisfaction"....(sesi luah perasaan)

#Setelah sekian lama tidak update....

Bulan ini genap setahun aku bekerja. Dalam Resume boleh la state "1 year experience".. but luckily dapat kerja goverment... no plan to quit or to find others job... but... the problem is... I still struggling to find "satisfaction" while working... its not because i'm not happy with the work... I really happy... besides i can learn more new thing and get really close with the nature... and i can easily futher my study and the chances are really wide open... tapi kenapa..setelah setahun aku bekerja... aku masih tercari-cari "kepuasan"....

bagi aku... bukan bergaji besar cukup puaskan hati aku... aku rela quit kalau aku keje sikit tapi bergaji besar.. dan aku rela terima kalau gaji sikit tapi cukup memuaskan hati aku ketika bekerja.... aku belum "fall in love with my job"....apa silap ni... tapi soalan pertama kat diri aku sendiri.."kerja ape yang boleh puaskan aku".... then come a thousand of question that i really have to answer.. i really like the Gollum.. figthing for my ownself... tapi aku tahu satu perkara... aku boleh memilih halatuju aku.. tapi hanya Dia Yang Satu tahu yang mana terbaik untuk diri aku... mungkin disini rezeki aku.. maka aku tak akan berpatah balik kebelakang... aku perlu terus merangkak, berjalan dan berlari kehadapan.....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How long can we live in the world like this...???

Sungguh lama tak mengupdate blog... sangat tak tahu apa yang nak di tulis.. even banyak benda yang berlaku... and binggung for something that i don't really know...

Kadang2 betul la... duit yang banyak doesn't fullfil life.... Semua dalam Movie was totally "BIG LIAR".... Rumah besar duit byk hidup relax... no way you can be like that.. so far i don't understand what figure i should chase to accomplished "the puzzle of happiness"... when suddenly i realize that "total happiness" was not in here.. not in this world... let me simplyfy like this..

i'm chasing a car... a car i dream like VIOS....i can get the vios and at the same time i got one "free gift"..which is. "hutang"... so i conclude myself, buy the affordable one..but how long i can say this.. since i always on the road... looking my dream Vios passing by me...

itulah my example... that why today.. aku terasa.. "berapa lama aku nak hidup dalam dunia macam ni"....hurmmm....i hate it..

Bulan ni cukup special.. my research proposal was accepted... freaking me ouT!! i cant believe it..!!! mintak penuh dapat penuh lak tu...haaha...ade je yg jelous.. perasan.. tapi buat2 bodong je...ekekek... janji aku spend pada jalan yg benar...

and money are cursing my life right now!!!! i wanna live in HEAVEN!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Apabila cakap pasal c-cup=sikap..kadang-kadang org yg bercakap itu pon tak sedar sikap dia macam mana...ahahaha.. Oh my.. nasib baik tak de officemate aku yang tahu akan kewujudan blog aku..kalau tak... naye...
Nway, byk actually yang aku belajar selepas menjadi seorg pekerja, especially pekerja gomen.. tapi one thing yang aku mmg tak suka c-cup 3rd class lower ni iaitu sikap mengata belakang=mengumpat...kadang2 aku marah org mengumpat, aku pon kadang ade penah gitu..=p

iskh giler la.. mengumpat ni makan macam makan daging sedara sendiri... bukan ape. mula2 aku datang sini terus aku dicerita cerita benda2 yg tak baik tentang seseorg.. please la.. stop it.. bila kita cerita macam tu secara automatik bad expression kita akan beri pada org itu.. padahal, semua orang ade sikap buruk masing2.. ape kata mula-mula org baru datang terus kita cerita benda2 baik yg orang tu ada.. org akan ade perasaan respek la kat org tu... bukan ape.. c-cup ni dah semakin teruk aku tengok kat office aku. tapi ape kan daya..ape boleh ak buat.. AKU ORG BARU =(

#please la for me.. and ibu-ibu bapak bapak.. change to be good person.. Kiamat nak dekat ni.. tak takut ke kita =)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The beauty of features (^^,)

Indahnya raut wajah manusia… mana tak nya… hari ni je ak naik heran bin ajaib…bila je ak pergi atm, sorg2 senyum smp cecah cuping telinga …ape ke hey??heran gak ak nape… ade “barang” baekk ke kat atm???ahahah..nak gak la ak ambik tahu (biasa la, alang2 busy, biar smp busy body =p )…ak pun masokkanlah kad atm ak….OooOOo… Patut la…. GAJI DAH MASUK……. Tiba2 jer otot2 mukaku bergerak....hujung ke hujung semakin menjauhi satu sama laen…. Ak pun terSenyum 360°….lagi hebat… ye la kan… bln lepas aku hidup umpama SATU LANE… sekarang sudah jadi 3 LANE, highway lagi….=p.... begitulah indahnya raut wajah manusia....=)

Tapikan, the truth behind your smile, terlalu byk... common la kan smile becoz of happiness... but what we concern, actually smile buat-buat ni... fuh!! depan kita senyum melentik tp belakang senyum terbalik....iskh2....
actually kita boleh tgk la beza senyum ikhlas dgn senyum malas by follow this tips....
#Humans are able to differentiate between a real smile and a fake smile by seeing the difference in a persons eyes when they smile.....

so, look at thier eyes first while you see someone smiling at you...kalau terbeliak matanya..sah2 senyum ikhlas la tu...huhuhuu..

ok...senyum sokmo (^^,)

*Eh!!!nape terkejut..... org senyum ko pulak terkezzzzzuuuttt!!...hahaha

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A lot of things you can learn from the nature......^_^v

Seeking Another True..
saya "terjumpa" hobi baru.... syok sgt... "BIRD WATCHING"!!... disebabkn ini jugak, some of my officemate called me "mat Burung"...APe KES???...hahahaha

well.... byk sebenarnya kita boleh blajar... bagaimana disiplin seekor burung mencari rezeki and tiada istilah "HUJUnG MInggU for Rest" dlm diri mereka... saya berkunjung ke wetland in my campus every morning..but not every day...=p...kadang-kadang.... chop!! wetland tahu kan... nak eloborate sini ker???? arr... sila layari link ni okay huhuhu... secara mudahnya ia spt kolam yg cetek dipenuhi tumbuh-tumbuhan yg dipanggil Macrophyte, yg berfungsi sbg "water filter".... itu Insyaallah saya explain nnt okay... sbb seronok sgt if the topic of Wetland can be share to others... CHop!!! melalut dah ni...... ha!!! berbalik ape yg bole kita belajar dr burung....

picture di atas saya snap kerana kagum kerjasama sekumpulan Itik Belibis (itik belibis pon spesis burung tau).... gerak secara berkumpulan... cari rezeki sama-sama... lari sbb halau dgn saya pun sama2..huhuhu...kalau tak, tak dapat la tangkap gambar ni... kita kena blajar cari hidup mereka supaya bole diterapkan dlm hidup kita... kita ni kadang2 sombong sgt.. rasa betulllllllllll je memanjang.. sbb tu selalu cuai... pencemaran situ la.. kerosakan sana sini...sbb kita terlupa... everything surrounding us is like "a book" to our life... and that book entitle "NATURE".....
#that the secret...

# ini burung helang saya snap sendiri beb....... fuh... jual kat VC ni dapat duit.. (^^,)....
Helang putih yg sedang membuat sarang... maybe we can guess what the eagle try to say...." if you cut the tree... i have no home for my children"

The true feeling when you live in a new place...(^^,)

Sudah 5 bulan bekerja di tempat baru... hurmmm... lebih-lebih lagi jauh dari family... memang org kata senang... "bekerja jauh luas pengalaman, tak kan duk celah ketiak mak je".... tapi hakikatnye... behind the true..... jauh menyimpang... kadang-kadang terkenang emak ayah kita... tak sangka.. sudah byk pengorbanan mereka..[chop!!!..menangis jap................;( ] Sebenarnya, ini lah ujian... the true behind this lifetest is to see either you care or not to your family.... manusia kalau tak diuji manusia tak tahu level dirinya... biarkan ujian itu datang... bukan seperti kertas peperiksaan... tetapi lebih "praktikal".... at the end you will see... what gred should you get... SAbar??? A+ or F..... Caring??? A+ or F.... and Loving??A+ or F.... # so ... tepuk dada pelan-pelan... tanya selera iman...(^^,)